Martin Heller Potempa & Sheppard

RingCentral Helps This Busy Firm’s Attorneys Stay Connected to Clients from Anywhere While Making Billing More Efficient Than Ever
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We can use the same RingCentral solution to text from our business numbers, share files online, set up internal team chat groups, and even have video conferences.

Sean Martin

Founding Partner, MHP&S

Poor phone service at previous firm leads founders to find a cloud solution.

The attorneys at Martin Heller Potempa & Sheppard say client service means everything to their firm, and it shows. The firm’s partners consistently earn top industry honors, such as “Super Lawyer,” “Best of the Bar,” and “10 Best in Client Satisfaction.”

Founding Partner Sean Martin learned early in his legal career how important the right communication tools are to an attorney’s ability to serve clients.

“People who come to us for help are often going through the most difficult situations of their lives,” Martin explains. “A big part of providing them outstanding service is simply being accessible. At the firm I worked for previously, we had a traditional phone system, and that meant as soon as we left the office, communicating with our clients became much more difficult.”
Nashville, TN

Lesson learned: MHPS opens with RingCentral unified communications.

When they founded Martin Heller Potempa & Sheppard, Martin and his partners knew they needed the right communications solution to build the client-centric firm they envisioned.

“What’s great about RingCentral is that everything is integrated into the same app,” Martin says. “All of our attorneys and office staff have a single business phone number, which they can use on any device—office phone, cell phone, even their laptops. And we can use the same RingCentral solution to text from our business numbers, share files online, set up internal team chat groups, and even have video conferences.”

“I think the best thing about RingCentral from a client-service perspective is that we can make office calls from the car, from home, or from anywhere else using any phone or computer. As far as the client is concerned, we’re always ‘in the office.’”
By combining RingCentral and Time Miner, we’re adding real revenue to our bottom line—revenue we probably would’ve otherwise missed.

Sean Martin

Founding Partner, MHP&S

RingCentral even helps MHPS increase revenue.

When MHPS integrated RingCentral with another app—Time Miner—the attorneys at MHPS found another significant benefit: Together, the two solutions directly increased the firm’s bottom line.

“Time Miner is this fantastic app that finds and calculates past billable calls, texts, and emails,” explains Martin. “Firms like ours bill by the tenth or quarter of an hour. That means even a short call with a client, or a brief email exchange, is billable. But lawyers often have trouble keeping track of all these short communications—which means leaving a lot of revenue on the table.”

Once they integrated Time Miner into their RingCentral solution, MHPS began seeing big results immediately.

“With RingCentral, we can instruct the Time Miner app to look not just for phone calls with a client but also SMS texts, our own team messages and file-sharing tasks regarding that client, even video meetings we’ve held to discuss the case. This all happens automatically in the background, which means our attorneys aren’t wasting their time at the end of every month trying to find every last billable task or communication to add to our invoice.”

“By combining RingCentral and Time Miner, we’re adding real revenue to our bottom line—revenue we probably would’ve otherwise missed,” Martin explains.

The client-centric law firm the team always envisioned.

“The bottom line is we’re a service business, and to be outstanding, we need the right tools to allow us to be accessible and able to get our work done no matter where we are,” says Martin. “Whether it’s taking a call from an anxious client while we’re on the road, holding internal video conferences with our attorneys at both offices to discuss upcoming cases, or just jumping on our team messaging platform to make sure someone is covering court on Tuesday, RingCentral lets us do it all.”

“I don’t see how we could have earned the reputation we have for client service without a solution like this.”

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