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AI customer service: What you need to know in 2024


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AI is all the rage. But what are some examples of how you can use AI for customer service to transform your business? 

Consumers are becoming more familiar with—and dependent on—apps and artificial intelligence (AI) tools to help them in their daily lives. According to The Insight Partners, the intelligent virtual assistant market will explode over the next few years, growing to just over $47.57 billion by 2028. 

There are many ways in which AI solutions can improve your contact center as a service (CCaaS) tasks. We’re going to explore 10 specific applications for customer service AI in your business. As well as that, we’ll get you caught up on everything else you need to know about artificial intelligence in customer service.

Let’s get into it:

But first… what is “AI customer service”?

Customer service AI is the use of artificial intelligence within a customer service space. The main way AI assists customer service is through the automation of manual processes; this includes advanced call routing, chatbots, and other forms of self-service. These automations free up your agents to work on more complex tasks which demand a human touch.

Conversational AI allows customers to interact with chatbots the way they would with a live service agent. Using machine learning, natural language processing (NLP), and natural language understanding (NLU), AI-enabled bots can serve as full omnichannel virtual agents. Conversation intelligence uses this technology to analyze conversations for emotion/sentiment, topics, accents, and more. 

Gartner predicts that by 2026, conversational customer service AI will reduce contact agent labor and support center costs by $80 billion.

Want to add more AI to your customer service?

Key benefits of AI in customer service

By using AI for customer service operations, you can unlock transformative benefits, such as:

Greater productivity and efficiency

AI-powered contact center solutions offer a range of productivity-boosting automations. AI automates tasks like data entry, after-call work (ACW), call routing, and customer conversations, reducing the time it takes to answer and resolve customer issues. 

For example, instead of relying on a human operator to manually direct incoming calls, AI leverages data to simultaneously route calls to the right agent. And, instead of having to respond to lots of simple requests, AI chatbots can handle them to lighten their workload. 

Agents also don’t need to trawl through different systems to view customer data, as they can access entire customer profiles from a centralized system.

These features reduce call queues and wait times, minimize transfers, and increase productivity by giving agents more time to focus on providing attentive support to customers with complex needs.

Improved customer experience

AI systems improve customer experiences on multiple levels, from improving customer service speed and availability to personalizing experiences.

Speed and availability

AI-powered chatbots operate 24/7 and can handle limitless conversations simultaneously. This empowers them to deliver fast, convenient support across time zones and channels. 60% of customers say that using chatbots saves them time thanks to their round-the-clock availability. And 45% value that chatbots can immediately respond to queries.

In turn, your human agents become more available. With reduced queues, agents can quickly respond to, and spend more time helping, customers who need complex assistance. 

Even better, you can implement chatbots onto webpages to provide proactive support at friction points. This improves the flow of your customer journey, prevents churn, and boosts satisfaction.


AI can perform intricate data analysis to understand individual customer preferences, behaviors, and sentiments, enabling them to tailor in-chat experiences. The technology can also provide agents with the information they need to deliver empathetic, personalized service. 

Sentiment analysis, for example, can use natural language understanding to infer positive or negative customer sentiments in real-time. Agents can be alerted to positive sentiments that indicate satisfaction or intent to buy, which they can use to tailor the interaction to meet specific needs. 

In the case of negative sentiments, agents can use the info provided by AI to respond with the appropriate emotional reaction. This allows agents to reach customers on a more personal level and ensure that they feel heard and valued.

Enhanced agent engagement

By eliminating time-consuming, tedious tasks from your agents’ workload, you empower them to engage with their roles more meaningfully.

Take ACW tasks, for example. AI can not only transcribe calls in real-time, but it can extract action items from them and create automatic summaries of conversations, reducing ACW and enhancing meaningful engagement.

More directly, AI removes the influx of repetitive customer questions from queues. So, agents can focus on handling more complex issues that provide more fulfillment, increasing agent satisfaction and engagement.

Reduced costs

AI analytics highlight areas of inefficiency in your contact center, such as long wait times and low first-call resolutions. With insight into these metrics, you can implement data-driven strategies to reduce the negative financial impact that these issues cause.

Predictive AI analytics can also predict call volumes. So you can optimize staffing levels to prevent overstaffing and understaffing. Your labor costs are also directly reduced as, instead of hiring more employees, you can leverage AI chatbots, for example.

10 best practices for AI-powered customer service

The possibilities are endless when it comes to AI-driven customer service. But here are our top 10 examples of AI in customer service:

  1. Alleviate wait times with AI-powered self service 
  2. Improve resolution time using AI-powered customer routing
  3. Analyze work volume for better scheduling 
  4. Move to 24-hour customer service with chatbots
  5. Coach customer service agents via AI 
  6. Get automated meeting and training summaries for agents 
  7. Improve menu navigation for better customer experiences
  8. Get regulation-compliant, AI-generated scripts
  9. Find out how your customers really feel with sentiment analysis 
  10. Go global with AI-powered translation, transcription, and more

1. Alleviate wait times with AI-powered self service 

To achieve a great customer satisfaction score you need to deliver both efficiency and effectiveness. Customers expect immediate service and speedy resolutions to their support issues—the last thing they want is a long wait time to speak with a live agent. Our AI-enabled contact center software can move the customer support process along without delay.

Implementing AI in customer service management provides customers with a self-service option to find the information they need, using the communication channel of their choice.

Conversational AI-enabled virtual agents can serve as the first point of contact for customers who have an immediate need and reach out via your company’s website. These AI chatbots can also work proactively to take care of your customers’ needs or make a purchase without human agent interference.

Implementing conversational AI as the first point of contact for customers lets your agents focus on more complex customer questions and cases that can’t be resolved by self-service methods. Since routine tasks can be handled by virtual agents, complicated customer queries can get the dedicated attention they need from live support agents.

2. Improve resolution time AI-powered customer routing 

AI tools for customer service provide intelligent call routing

Using AI tools and virtual agents as the first point of contact benefits customer service representatives just as much as customers. 

Human agents are freed up to tackle more interesting, complex cases, and the repetitive tasks are taken off their workload. 

If a customer can’t resolve their issue using self-service resources with a virtual agent, AI customer service solutions can deliver additional support to your contact center by intelligently routing the customer’s case to the best human agent for the task. When customer interactions are routed to live agents, AI equips the agents with:

  • The customer’s name
  • The customer’s profile
  • The customer’s previous interaction history and messaging with your company
  • A transcript of the conversation that just took place with the virtual agent—within the transcript, AI includes contextual information along with customer sentiment.

Once the customer interacts with a live agent, AI continues to assist by mining the conversation for keywords and phrases a customer speaks or types. AI customer service software then serves the agent relevant knowledge base articles and resources, providing real-time interaction guidance so your agent can best support your customer’s journey.

Conversational AI also boosts support teams’ productivity and efficiency by taking tasks off your customer service agents’ hands, leading to an enhanced employee experience. And when your agents are taken care of, they’ll take care of your customers in return.

3. Analyze work volume for better scheduling 

Example of reporting in an AI customer service tool

“Many organizations are challenged by agent staff shortages and the need to curtail labor expenses, which can represent up to 95% of contact center costs.”

Daniel O’Connell, VP Analyst, Gartner

This might be one of the most hard-hitting examples of how using artificial intelligence in customer service can help your business. Labor can represent up to 95% of contact center costs, according to Gartner. In the current economic climate, conversational AI can help as it:

  • Reduces the need for hiring with easy scalability: Virtual agents can easily be deployed during peak seasons with high traffic to help resolve customer issues without adding new employees. This can significantly lower costs.
  • Increases productivity: Allows live employees to focus on higher-value activities and improve overall organizational productivity.
  • Lowers training costs: Ongoing live guidance and customized behavioral coaching lowers coaching and training costs.

Hiring agents is a costly endeavor. According to Colin Taylor of The Taylor Reach Group, Inc., the average cost of hiring a new contact center agent is around $30,751 per employee. 

However, each contact center operates differently, so this cost isn’t set in stone. To get an idea of what it may cost your support center, consider these expenses tied to hiring a new agent:

  • Advertising and marketing for the position
  • Screening and background checks
  • Onboarding
  • Training
  • The time it takes for an agent to become proficient
  • Hardware and call center software
  • Physical office space (if applicable)
  • Salary and benefits

The Gartner projection further explains how AI is changing customer service: “One in 10 agent interactions will be automated by 2026,” which is an increase from an estimated 1.6% of AI-based customer service interactions in 2022.

4. Move to 24-hour customer service with chat bots

A chatbot is one use of AI in customer service

Customer expectations have risen dramatically in recent years and the rules for customer engagement have changed. Conversational AI, especially leveraged via chatbots, can help address these changes in several ways: 

  • Improves brand loyalty: 86% of consumers said they would dump a brand they trusted after just two poor experiences. Conversational AI ensures fast, consistent, and smart self-service in the customer’s channel and language of choice. 
  • Provides smart self-serve options: Intelligent virtual assistants (IVAs) and outreach tools that can understand intent and respond to complex queries allow them to do so effectively across channels. What’s more, these sophisticated AI tools for customer service know what they don’t know and can cleverly route the interaction to the right agent with complete custom context, including sentiment when needed.
  • Offers an “always-on” service: A reactive, company-centric model with service during “normal business hours” no longer cuts it. Customers demand 24/7/365, smart service that is proactive and customer-centric. 

Pro tip: A Zendesk partner can provide tailored AI solutions, such as creating AI chatbots to enhance customer service experiences.

Happy customers stick around, and they tell their friends about positive experiences they’ve had with your company. Adding AI features to your customer service plan can have a real, positive impact on customer retention in an era when customers have more choice than ever.

5. Coach customer service agents via AI 

Using AI in customer service to provide sentiment analysis

Another example of how AI can revolutionize your customer service team is through real-time coaching. Flexible work environments are now here to stay. Conversational AI provides time-saving and stress-busting tools to employees, irrespective of the work environment, in these ways:

  • Reduces manual labor: Repetitive and time-consuming tasks such as filling out forms can now be automated to improve agent experience and productivity. This results in reduced churn and happier staff.
  • Real-time guidance tools: It empowers employees with instant knowledge and soft-skill assistance, making interactions far less stressful.

Employee retention is inextricably linked to employee happiness. Incorporating AI into workflows could be a way to reduce the burden and keep your best team members for longer.

6. Get automated meeting and training summaries for agents 

Meeting recording is one of many customer service AI tools

There is often so much ground to cover in meetings and training sessions with agents that it’s virtually impossible for reps to retain it all. You can make the content accessible on demand, but the time required for agents to review it is impractical during a typical day.

With top communications solutions, meetings are not only recorded and stored, but AI provides a highlight version of the video. Agents can go through a one-hour session in a matter of minutes to reinforce key messages or training items.

7. Improve menu navigation for better customer experiences

The frustration of navigating through exhausting website or app navigation is one factor that deters customers from using self-service features. AI reduces or eliminates this barrier altogether.

With chatbots, customers can interact more conveniently and efficiently without clicking any buttons. This example of AI is often more inviting for customers using the self-service option.

8. Get regulation-compliant, AI-generated scripts  

Regulations for contact centers continue to increase. Some of these requirements impact communication in any industry; others are industry-specific call standards. These regulations put more pressure on contact centers and service agents to ensure compliance.

Regulatory compliance isn’t just a legal issue; it is a customer service issue. Regulations protect consumers from unscrupulous practices. Compliance builds trust. Conversational AI dramatically improves your ability to minimize the risk of lawsuits and other penalties for non-compliance.

Conversational AI provides service reps with dynamic scripts that guide interactions while leaving room for flexibility. It also includes legal disclosure checklists, so agents know what to share with each customer on every call.

9. Find out how your customers really feel with sentiment analysis 

Sentiment analysis is the future of AI in customer service

Sentiment analysis is another hot example of how AI can proactively transform your customer service. Interpreting a customer’s emotions while a call is taking place is very challenging for service agents. This point is particularly true in a voice-only interaction.

Conversation intelligence leverages multi-modal emotion recognition to determine core emotions and sentiments from voice data. Cues, intensity, and the pitch of the customer’s voice all contribute to the AI assessment.

Greater insight into a customer’s sentiment offers tremendous value to agents trying to defuse tension and detect unspoken concerns.

10. Go global with AI-powered translation, transcription, and more 

Live transcription provided by AI customer service tools

Supporting a global customer base is difficult for companies that don’t have enough multilingual personnel. Advanced AI supports agents and customers through speech recognition and accent detection. 

In addition to basic language translation and transcription, AI converts audio into text with extreme accuracy. Reps can follow conversations with non-native English speakers much more effectively by using this tool when accents impede understanding through voice communication.

AI and customer service are a natural match. This type of global support for language transcription eliminates a lot of frustration for agents and reps by speeding up the communication process.

How to implement AI tools in your customer service

While it’s tempting to jump on the latest trends, implementing AI tools overzealously—and without a clear strategy—puts your business at risk. You may end up overspending on tools you don’t need or dissatisfying your customers and employees.

To prevent these risks, follow these key best practices for implementing AI tools in customer service: 

  • Define business goals: What are your objectives for implementing AI? It’s crucial to make sure that the technologies you implement align with your key business goals. So, start by identifying the current inefficiencies in your contact center, such as high average handling times or long call queues, and focus your attention on the relevant AI solutions.
  • Build customer trust: According to Salesforce, 43% of customers either completely or mostly distrust companies to use AI ethically. To build trust, be transparent from the earliest interaction about what data you collect using AI, as well as how and why it’s used by the system to improve customer experiences. 
  • Empower human agents with a hybrid model: AI is there to support your human agents, not replace them. Only use AI to handle simple queries and eliminate monotonous tasks. And, don’t forget to communicate the value of AI to wary employees.
  • Provide sufficient training: Your customer service agents may have to navigate a significant learning curve whenever you implement a new AI tool. Make the process as easy as possible by training them on new systems.

The future of AI in customer service

AI in customer service has far from hit its peak. As it grows more mature, it looks set to revolutionize customer service in new, exciting ways. 

Gartner predicts that 80% of customer service teams will have applied generative AI technology by 2025. Conversational and generative AI is rapidly evolving to provide more personalized, human-like interactions and customer service proactivity. 

This is projected to streamline contact center operations, boost agent productivity, and improve the overall quality of self-service support. With the ability to handle increasingly nuanced requests and help customers at critical friction points, customers can progressively trust in, and recognize, the value of AI. 

With increased demand comes increased adoption. It’s likely, then, that Gartner is accurate in their prediction that one in 10 agent interactions will be automated by 2026. 

AI’s analytical capabilities are also growing more intelligent. As we accumulate more and more data, AI will be able to make hyper-accurate predictions that empower businesses to optimize resources and meet customer needs. 

Personalization, for example, may grow more accurate as AI uses intricate data analysis. That may allow more tailored product recommendations and personalized customer support suggestions in alignment with customer preferences and behavioral patterns. 

And, with deeper insight into contact center operations, AI will be instrumental in uncovering hidden inefficiencies, leading to reduced costs and improved performance.

Simplify customer service with AI

Thanks to AI automations in RingCX, delivering top-notch customer service is easier than ever. 

At RingCentral, we’re always working to streamline and evolve our products and services. Our goal is to provide your organization with the features and functionality you need to combat communication challenges and elevate both your customers’ and agents’ experience. 

Start building better customer experiences today—explore RingCX and see what AI customer service can do for you.

AI customer service FAQs

How is AI used in customer service?

AI is used in many areas of customer service to improve the speed, availability, and personalization of support. 

For example, it’s used in call centers and contact centers to intelligently route calls to the right agent, identify customer sentiments in real-time, automate agent workflows, analyze agent performance and efficiency, make predictions to guide optimization, and much more.

Which industries and businesses benefit most from AI customer service?

Any industry that receives incoming support requests from customers—whether it be via phone call, email, social media, or live chat—can benefit from using AI tools. 

It’s particularly useful for businesses that receive high volumes of incoming calls, as it’s a cost-effective alternative to hiring new staff. But any customer-centric company can utilize AI to provide smoother, more personalized experiences.

Is AI going to replace customer service agents?

In short, no. While AI is certainly intelligent, the belief that it will replace human agents is rooted in myth. Why? Because human agents possess the art of empathy, understand the subtle nuances of problem-solving, and can intuitively adapt to situations—all things that are totally lost on AI.

The relationship between AI and human agents is a complementary one. AI is there to shoulder and remove the inefficiencies that prevent agents from achieving peak productivity. Ultimately, it empowers agents to deliver the rich, empathetic experiences that foster emotional connections and enhance loyalty.

How can you use AI to better engage with customers?

AI can be used in a variety of ways to enrich customer engagement. 

One example is through personalization. Thanks to AI analytics, agents can access comprehensive customer data—their preferences, purchase history, past interactions, and more—to tailor experiences to individual needs. 

AI-powered chatbots also boost engagement by offering assistance around the clock — both responsively and proactively.

Originally published Jul 08, 2024, updated Jul 24, 2024

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Customer support agent helping customers with an omnichannel contact center

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