Sales Intelligence AI for sales insights and conversation intelligence AI-powered

RingSense by RingCentral: An alternative to Gong and Teams Co-Pilot


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In 2023, sales leaders are grappling with a fluctuating market that either postpones or entirely removes potential transactions from their pipeline, prolongs sales cycles, and complicates forecasting. Every interaction is pivotal. Each sales discussion and call is packed with crucial insights that can guide you and your team in addressing concerns, refining product presentations, streamlining workflows, and securing the deal.

Yet, as sales leaders, staying in the loop of countless daily interactions becomes an uphill battle, especially in the age of hybrid work. The pressing need? A streamlined way to tap into these invaluable conversations, fostering collaboration, encouraging coaching, and ensuring no insight slips through the cracks.

To address these pain points, we introduced RingSense™, a novel AI-driven conversation intelligence tool for revenue teams. For those familiar with Gong or Microsoft Teams Co-Pilot for Viva Sales, RingSense might seem like another alternative among other sales team collaboration tools in the market. But, read on, and you’ll discover it’s more than just another alternative to Gong—it’s a purpose built revolution.

What is RingSense?

RingSense deals and call details

We started 2023 by introducing our proprietary AI RingSense, and our first iteration of its use in RingSense for Sales—a conversation intelligence tool built for revenue teams. Going forward, we will infuse RingSense across the entire suite—from business communications to contact centeraiming to provide a single source of business intelligence, working as an intelligent operating system in the backdrop that learns from user behavior.

The RingSense platform is designed to be supportive, smart, and there for you anytime. You can use it anywhere (desktop, mobile, in other apps). Looking back for specific information? However big, small, or random, RingSense can retrieve data from your past conversations, simplifying sales performance analytics. Our AI summarizes long conversations with brevity and clarity, giving you all the context you need for sales process optimization. It’s built for easy scanning and quick information digestion. Need a lightbulb moment? RingSense can make sense of your conversations and help organize your next steps and delineate clear paths to impactful actions. Want a second opinion? RingSense can detect the emotional tone of your conversations and identify potential misunderstandings, allowing you to proactively clarify and resolve issues. In a distracting environment? RingSense is there to drown out the noise, so you can focus on driving impact. It also ensures that you only receive calls from verified users, so your most precious resources—your time, energy, and attention—are never wasted. 

RingSense for Sales: Conversation intelligence with revenue context

RingSense for Sales is a revenue intelligence platform that provides conversation insights for different players within the revenue org. Using AI and natural language processing in sales, RingSense reviews and analyzes sales calls and meetings on a larger scale. This helps offer proactive insights and coaching suggestions, benefiting all parts of the revenue org in enhancing sales performance. And guess what? This sales intelligence assistance comes without the daunting price tags or complex integrations.

RingSense vs Microsoft Teams Co-Pilot

  1. Post-Interaction Insights: While Teams’ CoPilot focuses heavily on real-time insights, which are fleeting and can be missed, RingSense emphasizes the provision of post-interaction insights. Through call recording insights and customer interaction analytics, you can go far beyond the immediate conversation, giving you the opportunity to reflect, review, analyze, and draw conclusions at your convenience.
  2. RingSense is applying business and persona context: Our tool understands and caters to the unique needs of different business domains, such as sales and customer support. The platform intelligently molds itself to fit the specific context, thereby providing highly relevant and actionable insights and better rep performance tracking.
  3. Prediction capabilities: RingSense provides deal intelligence and scoring and call scoring, offering predictive analytics that allows your team to manage and prioritize resources and efforts more effectively. We help you identify and focus on the opportunities that are most likely to bear fruit, adding a strategic edge to your operations.
  4. AI Explainability: Where Teams Co-Pilot just show call transcriptions, summaries, and sentiment scores, RingSense shows the why. We believe in not just providing data and insights but also elucidating the reasons behind the AI’s predictions, fostering trust in our system.With our cutting-edge sales analytics, we empower businesses to harness in-depth customer sentiment analysis and customer behavior trends for informed decision-making and sustained growth.
  5. A standout differentiation feature for RingSense is our Concept-based Trackers: While typical conversation intelligence may rely on tracking exact keywords, RingSense goes far beyond that. Utilizing advanced LLMs, RingSense understands the nuances of concepts to identify matching utterances in the conversation without explicitly specifying all the phrases, allowing you to capture a richer and more holistic view of your communications.

RingSense vs Gong

  1. AI explainability: Unlike Gong and other similar AI-powered sales coaching tools that just present outputs, we go a step further by revealing the reasoning behind AI’s predictions. Our platform gives clear, comprehensible explanations for AI’s perceptions and predictions, which fosters user trust and confidence in our AI.
  2. A standout feature is Concept-based Trackers: While typical conversation intelligence platforms like Gong may rely on tracking exact keywords, RingSense takes a more comprehensive approach with its advanced conversation analytics. Utilizing advanced LLMs, the RingSense platform understands the nuances of concepts to identify matching utterances in the conversation without explicitly specifying all the phrases—taking sales call analysis to the next level. This allows for the capture of a richer and more holistic view of your communications. For example, if the concept you’re interested in is “any conversations that have to do with job requirements,” RingSense doesn’t just track verbatim mentions of ‘job requirements.’ Instead, it recognizes and tracks related words and phrases that may indicate a conversation around this theme. This could include terms such as ‘responsibilities,’ ‘qualifications,’ ‘skills needed,’ ‘work experience,’ and so forth.
  3. Prediction Capabilities: We believe that empowering employees with data shouldn’t translate to burdening them with figuring out the next steps. That’s why RingSense boasts strong prediction capabilities and deal insights. We offer deal intelligence for better deal risk prediction and call scoring, empowering you with predictive analytics to prioritize resources and strategies. Our solution identifies promising opportunities, providing your business with a strategic advantage.
  4. The Communications Advantage: Our vast unified communications customer base offers unparalleled expertise in unstructured communication data, setting RingSense miles ahead in the conversation intelligence landscape.

The bottom line

While Gong and Microsoft Teams Co-Pilot have made their mark, RingSense is here to reshape the landscape of competitive sales intelligence and make sales playbook optimization easier than ever. If you’re looking for a more comprehensive, intuitive, and innovative solution with seamless CRM integration, RingSense by RingCentral should be on your radar. 

Find out more at and learn all about our AI APIs that are in beta and free to use for any developer today here

Want to join our beta and help build the world’s best conversation intelligence tool for sales? Reach out to us and we will be in touch shortly! 

Originally published Sep 14, 2023, updated Jun 17, 2024

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