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How to land a job using RingCentral Video


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3 min read


  • Follow these steps to make the most of your video interview
  • Nothing beats being prepared for this “new normal”
  • Tips shared by a RingCentral Recruitment Manager

You did it! You nailed the phone screen and you’re on your way to the next interview round. Typically, the next step is in-person interviews, but times have changed and this step is now conducted over video chat. But don’t fret — you can still build rapport and a good connection with all the communication tools we have at our fingertips. I hope these tips below will help ease any anxieties you may have and help you land your dream job!

Make this your best move yet.

Preparation is key.

Make sure you prepare as much as you would for an in-person interview. Research the company, what their products or services are, make sure you know what is required of the role, and prepare questions to ask your interviewer. If you have some logistical questions or pre-interview queries, you can reach out to your recruiter through chat right on the RingCentral app. Utilize the resources available to you to ensure you’re as prepared as you can be!

Familiarize yourself with the tech.

In this day and age, it can sometimes be so cliche to hear, “you’re on mute” or “your video isn’t turned on” so it’s good practice to test your set-up ahead of time. You don’t have to have a fancy set-up, but some simple things you can take into consideration are good lighting and a place where you can be uninterrupted–at least for the duration of your interview.

Dress to impress.

What would you wear if you were heading in-person for an interview? You don’t necessarily have to wear anything too formal, but something that would emulate the culture of the company you’re applying for would be appropriate. Make sure you’re presentable from top to bottom! In case you have to stand up to fix some technical issues or for any reason, you wouldn’t want to show you’re in your PJs (no matter how comfy they might be)!

Use the resources and the setting to your advantage.

Tools like RingCentral Video enable you to share your online resume, presentations, videos, or infographics. If appropriate, this is the perfect platform to showcase your skills and add a little creativity to your interview. Anything that sets you apart will catch their attention–and this applies to in-person or virtual meetings!

Arrive a few minutes early.

Just as you would plan to arrive at an interview site with 10-15 minutes to spare, it’s also good practice to click on a meeting link a few minutes early. This will give you a chance to check your camera settings to ensure a smooth conversation. The extra minutes also give you time to prepare your computer by making sure all extra windows and tabs are closed and if you plan on sharing your portfolio or presentation, that it’s ready and easy to access. 

Maintain eye contact and engaging body language.

It can sometimes be harder to focus when the individual you’re speaking to isn’t live and in-person. Make sure you have no second screen to distract you from your conversation. Maintaining eye contact and good posture is key to conveying your interest and attention. Nonverbal communication is important and even more so in building that connection during a virtual chat.

Take intermittent pauses.

During video interviews, it can be harder to notice nonverbal cues so it’s good to take a moment to see if the person you’re chatting with has a question or anything to add to the conversation. By doing so, the interview feels more conversational and less monotonous. 

Thank you notes leave a good, lasting impression.

A post-interview thank you note goes a long way. It is an opportunity to show your deep interest in the position and reinforce why you are the best fit for the job. Sending a quick chat on the RingCentral app is so easy and a great way to have a quick back-and-forth conversation with your interviewer. Remember that your interviewer is looking for a colleague and a teammate so establishing that human connection is key.


Follow these tips and you’ll be interviewing like a pro! Ultimately remember that an interview is a chance to showcase your skills, enthusiasm and experience. And it’s just as important for you to determine if the company is a great fit for you as it is to get them to make you an offer.


Good luck with all your future video interviews!



Originally published May 11, 2021, updated May 09, 2023

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