The Forbes List of 100 Most Trustworthy Companies is assembled every year by MSCI ESG Research, an independent research firm that vets more than 5,500 publicly-traded North American companies to identify those that consistently display transparent accounting practices and concrete corporate governance.
Companies are ranked based on their Aggressive Accounting and Governance Risk (AGRs) and scored on a 1 to 100 point scale. Aspects considered include high-risk behaviors like regulatory actions, amended filings, revenue and expense recognition methods, and bankruptcy risk.
RingCentral is shown in the mid-market cap group (between $1 and $5 billion) and scored an 88 for its current AGR and an 83 average AGR for the last four quarters.
This recognition reinforces our core values and our position as a leader and trusted partner in the market. Enterprises want to work with the most reputable companies, and trust and dedication are paramount qualities. Our team is 100% committed to providing the best experience possible for customers and employees.
To see the full list of Forbes’ 100 Most Trustworthy Companies, click here.
Originally published May 19, 2016, updated Jan 30, 2023