When an economically disruptive event strikes, people begin to assess their financial situations. They know that any sudden setback—a car breakdown, a water heater that needs replacing—could have more serious consequences than in normal times. So, you can understand why Goosehead Insurance, one of the country’s largest and fastest-growing agencies, found itself with an increase in customer calls beginning in the early days of the coronavirus outbreak.
At the same time, the executive team realized they would need to transition their entire staff—nearly 2,000 people in offices around the country—to remote-working arrangements. And that decision wasn’t based on the increasing number of states issuing shelter-in-place orders. As the company’s vice president of IT, Michael Moxley, explains: “We all agreed sending everybody home was the right thing to do for the health and safety of our employees.”
Thankfully, Goosehead Insurance had already made some important adjustments to its technology infrastructure, which allowed the company to make this transition quickly and without any disruption. (Learn more about the best apps for insurance agents.)
Transitioning to 100% remote work nationwide almost immediately
Because the company had migrated to RingCentral’s cloud communications—both for employees’ business lines and as the Contact Center solution for its sales and service departments—Goosehead had the technology to make this adjustment completely painless.
To give you an example of how smoothly the transition took place, Michael describes what happened with the company’s service teams:
“We’ve got two contact centers, one in Texas and the other in Nevada, as well as service agents who work elsewhere but are also in rotation on our RingCentral Contact Center solution. We were able to get all of these people set up working from home in two days, with literally no degradation in service and zero downtime. That’s two days to reposition 275 people in offices around the country to working from home, without creating a single problem.”
Nor did any of these employees have to take their desk phones home to make or take business calls. “They all just downloaded the RingCentral app on their computers or phones—and boom, they were up and running,” Michael says. “Now they’re all doing inbound and outbound calls either from their cell phones or using their computers and a plug-in headset.”
The company’s already-high Net Promoter Score is actually up
Michael also points out that because RingCentral is so easy to set up and use, the company’s sales and support agents were able to adjust without any sense of disruption in their routine, which could have undermined their ability to continue providing outstanding customer service.
In fact, Goosehead is seeing signs that its agents are performing even better under these new circumstances. Although the company maintains an extremely high Net Promoter Score of 90, since they transitioned to remote work, that score has actually jumped to 92.
“I attribute a lot of that to the fact that we have great people, dedicated to serving our clients no matter what. But I also know that our technology, particularly RingCentral, has helped everyone make this adjustment to working from home without adding any stress or confusion, and I think that easy transition has helped to boost our morale.”
Still growing, still hiring, even during the pandemic
Goosehead Insurance was already on a hypergrowth trajectory before the COVID-19 outbreak. But even as the pandemic is slowing other areas of the economy, Goosehead remains on its rapid-growth pace.
People are going to continue needing insurance—particularly now with so much added uncertainty. And even though it has just gone through an enormous adjustment to its working environment companywide, Goosehead is perfectly positioned to continue serving its large slate of existing and new clients.
As Michael puts it: “We’re still growing our team by 8% or 10% every month. We’re able to train new-hires remotely on using RingCentral Contact Center, and we can get them up and running quickly to serve our clients.”
Originally published May 08, 2020, updated Aug 27, 2020