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Healthcare Claims Management achieves 441% ROI and meaningful patient engagement by switching to RingCentral

RingCentral for healthcare payers


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For healthcare organizations, providing meaningful patient care shouldn’t end with treatment. But all too often, inefficient and impersonal billing practices erode the patient experience. They take a toll on healthcare organizations too in the form of bloated personnel costs, poor patient contact center performance, and high agent turnover.

Here’s how Healthcare Claims Management (HCM), a revenue cycle management company serving the healthcare industry, realized better patient engagement, improved call center productivity and employee satisfaction, and saw a 441% return on investment within less than three months of implementing RingCentral Contact Center and RingCentral Office.

Healthcare Claims Management ROI case study
Access the full ROI case study to find out about all the benefits the company realized by moving to RingCentral's cloud solution.

Refocusing staff resources improved productivity

Like many contact center operations, Indianapolis-based HCM long relied on an on-premises communications system to support some 19,000 monthly inbound calls. But the legacy system was increasingly a drag on operations.

Simply maintaining the existing solution required significant investment each year. Meanwhile, as availability and reliability declined, the costs of the outdated system mounted. A systems administrator typically had to spend between 60 and 70 hours each month supporting the previous system, while inefficient call queues and other processes significantly impeded call center performance.

With more contact center agents required just to maintain previous levels of operations, and a growing rate of call abandonment, the company was overstaffed by 3,480 hours annually. The average cost per call ballooned to $14.50.

Intuitive call routing increased client satisfaction

Though HCM considered other solutions, the simplicity of RingCentral’s integrated applications and user interface proved to be a critical differentiator. RingCentral Contact Center could flexibly handle HCM’s complex call routing requirements, while features such as call back in queue could quickly improve upon lagging client satisfaction and call abandonment rates.

Meanwhile, after years of dealing with the limitations of an on-premises system, the short- and long-term advantages of a cloud-based solution that could support future expansion were undeniable. It took a team of just three employees to support the transition from Mitel to RingCentral, and the subscription costs of the new solution were the most significant expenditure.
RingCentral for healthcare payers

Optimizing staff made all the difference 

It took HCM just 2.4 months to fully recover its investment and to see a whopping 441% ROI. Overall, the switch to RingCentral resulted in $1.2 million in annual operational cost savings and a $1 million a year reduction in personnel costs. The cost per call shrunk from $14.50 to just $9.

Here are some of the key improvements HCM saw from deploying RingCentral Contact Center and RingCentral Office:

  • Staffing efficiencies: By eliminating the inefficiencies of the previous solution, HCM was able to save $1 million annually through avoided hires and redirected personnel, ultimately shrinking the number of call center agents by 23%. Meanwhile, new features improved call velocity, while better reporting and data saved 1,377 hours across nine supervisors, providing about $37,000 in value.
  • Increased employee productivity: RingCentral’s simplified solution reduced the burden of support and training on HCM. Most dramatically, the system administrator went from spending 60 to 70 hours each month supporting the communications system to just four monthly hours. Training time for agents was reduced from three days to four hours, while the ability to flexibly make adjustments—such as adding agents to multiple accounts—allowed HCM to easily leverage this newly freed-up time.
  • Decreased agent churn: By resolving the pain points of the previous system, HCM quickly saw an improvement in agent satisfaction, resulting in reduced turnover rates. This in turn reduced the cost and time investment of training new agents.
  • Better customer/patient engagement: With advanced features such as callback in queue, which notifies a client when an agent is available instead of making them wait on hold, HCM saw 20% fewer abandoned calls, resulting in better contact center experiences.

A shift to a cloud-based solution improved total operations 

Without a flexible, easy-to-use solution, the direct and indirect costs of running a contact center on a legacy system can easily grow out of control. Extra staffing, time wasted on support, and an inability to deploy new features that improve workflow efficiencies add up quickly—in HCM’s case, to millions in unnecessary expenditures. 

But from the ease of deploying RingCentral’s cloud-based solution to the ability to leverage improved features and reporting—and to eliminate unnecessary steps and roadblocks—HCM saw powerful, and fast, benefits from making the switch to the cloud. In HCM’s case, it took just three employees (two of whom spent less than 25% of their time) to deploy the new solution. Given the ongoing operational improvements and cost savings, it’s not difficult to see how the fairly simple switch has resulted in such impressive returns.

Click here to get access to the full HCM ROI case study.

Originally published Feb 04, 2021, updated Jul 25, 2024

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