Voicemail May Be Dying (A Slow Death). 82% say they prefer receiving voicemails as text messages. This begs the question: when will we get rid of voicemail altogether? As millennials and younger generations flood the workplace, it’s safe to say text messaging is here to stay, and will play a star role in business communications.
There’s Huge Room for Policy Growth Around BYOD (Bring Your Own Device). As it stands, less than half (45%) of businesses have a BYOD policy in place. A well-planned policy has become crucial to managing growing workforce expectations around mobility. The survey revealed 51% of businesses don’t currently have a BYOD policy in place, exposing them to major risk. As employees continue to put companies at risk when they use devices and applications that aren’t protected, we might see this change for the better.
Virtual Meetings Are Getting an Upgrade. 37% now consider Skype to be outdated for business communications. (Here are a few alternatives to Skype.) This goes to show how innovative virtual meeting technology will play a role in the workplace. 95% of workers plan to use business communication tools, over in-person meetings in the new year.
Business communication tools are motivating factors. The ability to work remotely and have flexible hours remain major motivators in the new year, but better communication tools are rising to the top of the list as well. In fact 97% say better communication tools will impact their daily productivity.
Change is on the horizon as businesses upgrade their approach for communications. Business communications are becoming more than just a way to talk with others at work—they are truly time savers and motivators, as well as a risky asset to businesses who don’t have the proper BYOD policy in place. Business communications will never sleep in 2015—they’ll power the way work gets done, and greatly impact 2015 success.
Originally published Dec 19, 2014, updated Aug 12, 2020