When Mitchell Slater describes the business that he founded as a digital marketing company, he means this in two ways. First, Slater Strategies provides its clients around the world with full-service marketing for all of their digital assets and channels. The company develops and maintains its clients’ websites, handles their SEO, and manages their online listings, customer reviews, digital ad campaigns, and social media presence.
But the term “digital marketing company” takes on a second meaning for Slater Strategies. As Mitchell explains, his company operates entirely virtually. Slater Strategies’ employees all work from home, across several states, and he works with independent consultants and other marketing firms—with whom he also collaborates virtually.
In other words, the team at Slater Strategies can connect and collaborate with everyone in the business’s ecosystem—full-time staff, consultants, vendors, and clients—exclusively through digital communication tools. And for that flexibility, Mitchell credits RingCentral MVP™.
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A full suite of digital communication tools in one product
Being able to stay virtually connected with clients became even more valuable recently when Mitchell and his wife decided to move from Alaska, where he founded Slater Strategies, to Florida. Thanks to RingCentral’s full suite of digital communication tools, the company’s operations didn’t miss a beat—even as its founder and CEO moved to a new home across the country.
As Mitchell explains:
“I still have all my clients in Alaska. I have clients down here in Florida and in some other states. And I’m able to communicate with all of them using RingCentral. Being able to do screen shares, video conferencing, being able to record all those calls to go back and check my notes… It has been awesome and seamless and really, really handy.”
Here’s just one example of how Mitchell and his team use RingCentral to deliver what he describes as “next-level” service—no matter where he is or where his clients are. Mitchell will invite a client to a video conference through RingCentral, then turn on the screen share feature and show the client screenshots of the analytics tools Slater Strategies has been using to track specific marketing metrics for that client.
This could be a Google Analytics page, for example, showing a trend in increasing traffic to the client’s site after the launch of a marketing campaign or the client’s increasing position in the search rankings after Slater Strategies has done some important SEO legwork.
“It’s great to be able to show our clients the results we’re providing for them, and being able to go to that next level,” Mitchell says. “And I wouldn’t have been able to do it without RingCentral.”
Originally published Dec 12, 2019, updated Jan 30, 2025