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Earth Day: How Driving Electric Vehicles Led to a $10K Donation to a Wildlife Sanctuary


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In 2020, it’s become increasingly clear we need big, meaningful action to keep our home, Planet Earth, thriving for generations to come. Luckily, It’s easier than ever before for organizations to go green. While this call to action might feel daunting, there are many steps individuals and businesses of all sizes can take to make a difference. Here are some easy to get started, along with one big idea that has really paid off for RingCentral and a California wildlife sanctuary! 

Easy ways to go green at the office

RingCentral is proud to support green initiatives through our very own sustainability practices. Here are a few ways we’re working to reduce our carbon footprint: 

  • We recycle and compost at our office locations 
  • We offer employees the opportunity to work from home without disrupting business continuity, with the help of our cloud-based teaming software, making it simple to stay connected
  • We fund our employees’ use of public transportation, as well as carpooling and vanpooling

Giving back

Here’s another innovative way we’re giving back: our electric car initiative! We have several vehicle-charging stations at our Belmont, CA, campus, offering a free charge for the first 2 hours. 

Over 100 employees have taken advantage of the charging stations since we started using them one year ago, and we have avoided 162.083 kg of greenhouse gas emissions: the equivalent of planting 4.156 trees and letting them grow for 10 years.

After the first two hours of charging, employees have the choice to donate a small hourly fee to leave their car at a station. This encourages the sharing of this service—and helps us collect donations, too. We’re thrilled to announce, thanks to fees gathered since this program’s inception, RingCentral is donating $10,000 this week, on Earth Day, to WildMind. WildMind is an environmental sustainability nonprofit focused on bringing environmental literacy to life, through classroom and community education as well as special programs for at-risk youth: 

This Earth Day project is just one of many initiatives under RCause, RingCentral’s signature Corporate Social Responsibility program committed to sustainability and community impact. Other causes we pursue include STEM education, charitable giving, employee volunteerism, and product donations and discounts to nonprofits in need. 

We are grateful for our employees’ participation in this program, which has made this donation possible. Join the live stream on Wednesday, April 22, at 3PM PST, for the check presentation featuring some of WildMind’s rescue animals! 

Going green: good for everyone

Creating a more sustainable organization isn’t just good for the planet; it’s good for business too. Today’s customers are extremely knowledgeable and socially conscious, and they want to feel good about where they spend their money. As a result, companies with a high sustainability index now see increased investors and stock market values, higher revenues, and more positive brand recognition overall. Plus, you might even hold onto those talented Millennial and Gen Z team members more easily with meaningful green initiatives. Organizations that leverage technology also tend to be more agile and prepared to handle whatever the universe throws their way. 

CHECK IN: Where does your company fall in the 3 Phases of Sustainability? 

Technology can help!

Giving back to the planet we call home has a multitude of benefits for the future of the environment, civilization, and business. One easy way to get started: cut your carbon footprint with more work-from-home opportunities, supported by cloud-based productivity software like RingCentral and communications platforms to keep your team on track, no matter where they’re working. 

Want to see how affordable and easy it can be to transform your organization for the better? Check out a tool like RingCentral that’s designed to help teams work remotely!

Originally published Apr 22, 2020, updated Aug 07, 2020

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Business leadership, Communication & collaboration, CX / Customer experience, IT leadership, Productivity, RingCentral products

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