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6 RingCentral Contact Center innovations to improve experiences & security

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According to Forbes, 83% percent of customers would switch brands because of a bad customer service experience. With the holiday season just around the corner, your customers will expect even better, smarter and faster service. And it’s important to give it to them — or risk losing them to a competitor. Just as crucial is ensuring that your contact center personnel feel equipped to do their jobs effectively.

Luckily, with our latest release, RingCentral Contact Center has added even more functionality to help you delight customers, empower contact center staff, and improve operations.

Increase digital engagement for better customer experiences

Great customer service is critical in the current economic climate, as loyal customers drive recurring revenue streams. And, since most customers begin their journeys digitally, it’s vital for companies to offer outstanding multi-channel customer experiences. With this in mind, we’ve introduced the following capabilities.

1. Customized Digital-first chat with low-code SDK

A low-code SDK enables you to quickly and securely  build your own custom chat channel, without adding 3rd party content to your website. The SDK is available for live chat, single- threaded messaging and multi-threaded messaging.

Example: You can securely build a custom chat channel for your insurance website to facilitate customer interactions via chat.

2.Digital channel surveys in Feedback Management 

Sophisticated feedback surveys can be sent automatically to customers right after an interaction — on the channel of that interaction. This helps to gather immediate feedback from customers on their preferred channels, in order to identify key customer service issues for systemic improvements. Survey distribution is triggered by an admin setting within Feedback Management.

Example: Gather feedback instantly from the customer at the end of an interaction on Facebook Messenger by automatically sending the survey out on Facebook Messenger.

Reduce agent and supervisor effort

Good UI experiences maximize operational efficiencies everywhere – and contact centers are no exception.  Both agents and supervisors need cohesive and user-friendly interfaces to do their best jobs. The functionality outlined below makes this possible.

3. New Supervisor Experience

Supervisors now have a single, modern interface to monitor and take action on all channels. This enables advanced monitoring of agent behavior and customer sentiment so supervisors can intervene as needed. Clickable real-time widgets are also available so supervisors can drill down to identify key performance issues.

Example: If the length of the “Longest Duration” interaction isn’t acceptable, the supervisor can click the widget to drill down to the specific interaction and investigate further or take action as needed.

4. New Agent Experience

Agents now have an intuitive and modern UI to simplify management of all voice and digital interactions and offer greater visibility into customer journeys. This leads to better agent experiences and higher productivity, as well as consistency across all agent interfaces. New capabilities include a single inbox for all channels, a single contact card for all relevant customer information, and more granular controls for customization.

Example: Agent can configure his desktop to match his individual working style.

Gain operational insights and enhance security

Actionable insights help you continually improve your contact center operations, while enhancing security ensures that you meet all compliance requirements. Here are some of the new capabilities we’ve added to help achieve these goals.

5. Role-based Access Control

Role-based access control provides the ability to restrict agents from viewing specific cases and messages in Search and Customer Cards. Agents can be assigned multiple views based on Team or Skill. This results in improved security for organizations, such as multinational organizations and BPOs that may handle multiple or competing clients. 

Example: Agents who are responsible for one regional branch of a multi-national bank can be limited to accessing customer data for just that branch. 

6. BI reports optimized for digital

Existing and new BI reports have been optimized to consolidate voice and digital reporting into a single interface, providing a comprehensive view of system and channel performance. Expanded metrics specific to digital include sentiment, Likes, and Shares.

Example: The new Abandons by Skill report provides insight into abandon times for both voice and digital interactions.

RingCentral Contact Center: The best is yet to come

While our latest release adds multiple features to enhance customer experience, empower staff and gain operational insights, we won’t stop here. Our products will keep evolving to empower support teams with the features, integrations, tools, and software they need to boost operational efficiency and productivity.

Read our release notes to learn more. To learn more about RingCentral Contact Center, request a demo.

Originally published Nov 15, 2022, updated Nov 16, 2022

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