How to Collaborate in a Coffee Shop – Your Essential Guide

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Coffee shop remote workers

The global workforce is growing increasingly virtual and mobile.

More people than ever before are choosing to work remotely. Statistics suggest that by 2023, 1.88 billion people will join the remote mobile trend. This accounts for 43.3% of the current workforce.

For employees, remote work has several benefits. Not only do you get to choose when you work, but you can also choose where you go too. If you want to do your tasks while sipping a latte at your favourite coffee shop, there’s no problem.

With better internet speeds all over the world and cloud technology, anyone can tap into the benefits of remote and mobile work. The question is, how do you make sure you can still collaborate with your team, even when you are miles apart?

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1.    Ensure Secure Connectivity from Anywhere

The first and most crucial thing you need to collaborate from a distance is the right cloud strategy. Cloud technology ensures that employees can share information in real-time and interact with their colleagues, no matter where they are. Just make sure that the cloud-based collaboration service you’re using is secure.

Coffee shops don’t always have the safest connections. The good news is that advanced cloud collaboration tools like Ring Central Glip support enterprise-level security protocols and encryption. At the same time, consider using two-factor authentication to further secure your accounts. This way, if you accidentally lose any of your devices, or they’re stolen, it will be harder to hack into your workplace.

2.    Remember the Etiquette for Working in a Public Place

Remember that just because you feel comfortable working from your local coffee shop, doesn’t mean you can treat it like your personal office. There are other patrons there that would rather not listen to you holding loud, long meetings. Additionally, remember that there may be sensitive things you need to talk about in those meetings that prying ears shouldn’t hear. Maintain compliance by keeping the private conversations private!

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At the same time:

  • Don’t hog the bandwidth: If you’re using the free Wi-Fi, make sure that you’re not using an excessive amount of data. It may be better to switch to a VPN for security reasons anyway.
  • Keep it quiet: Use headphones to listen to music or watch videos while you work.
  • Buy the coffee: You’re not just there to use up the shop’s electricity, pay for your presence with regular cups of coffee, water, or anything else.

3.    Communicate Regularly

Finally, when you’re working remotely, either from a coffee shop or any other environment, it’s easy to isolate yourself. You may forget to check in with your colleagues when they’re not just an office cubicle away. However, after a while, this can mean that you start to feel less connected to your business.

To make sure that you don’t end up “out of the loop” implement strategies that will help you to stay in touch with the people that matter throughout your group. With tools like RingCentral Glip, you can send instant messages to members of your team. Alternatively, you can launch video calls when you need to discuss matters in greater depth. Make sure that your employer has a strategy in place for supporting remote workers. Remind them that over 50% of mobile workers end up feeling left out when they work away from the office.

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Originally published Nov 05, 2019, updated Jan 16, 2023

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