The Ecommerce Customer Journey Mistakes that are Losing You Customers

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Online shopping

59% of online shoppers will stop shopping with you after a bad experience, and 40% of those customers will tell others about it. What’s more worrying, is that 80% of businesses think that their customer service is great, when in reality, only 8% of customers agree.

A positive customer journey is not only vital for keeping your existing customers, but it’s also crucial for attracting future customers. Yet so many companies are making simple mistakes that are driving customers away. It’s time to be brutally honest about whether you’re guilty of these common mistakes and, if you are, do something to fix it.

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1. Not having a consistent brand experience

Multi-channel selling and omnichannel selling are great strategies that will increase your exposure, grow your customers and improve your sales. Selling on your own website, mobile app, in-store, on social media and on online marketplaces, such as Amazon and eBay, not only solidifies your brand but also satisfies the customer’s need to have between 6-8 touches before clicking the ‘buy’ button.

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However, the benefits of multichannel selling are quickly negated by having an inconsistent brand experience across sales channels. Different branding, conflicting descriptions and incompatible platforms – they all push trust down and drive buyers out. Avoid this common trap by:

  • Creating a brand and tone of voice that is consistent across all of your touch points
  • Ensuring that your website and mobile site are both compatible and identical in style and branding
  • Duplicate your listings, images and pricing across your sales platforms by using a multichannel management software system

2. Not processing orders quickly or consistently

Processing orders quickly
Speed and consistency in processing orders drive buyer expectations.

We’re in an age where customers want their products now. Amazon has demonstrated that not only is a 1-hour delivery time possible, but it also’s exceedable and it’s driving buyer expectations. 22% of online shoppers expect their purchases to be at their front door within 12 hours and 43% expect it within 24.

Failing to keep up with expectations is driving customers away and negative reviews up, yet  managing multiple orders across multiple sales channels is simple by:

  • Centralising all of your orders and order processing through a multi-channel management system and a central team collaboration software.
  • Keeping on top of your inventory to ensure that your orders are never delayed by out of stock or oversold item.
  • Using a real-time communication system that allows customers to get immediate responses to their sales queries.
See also  How Chatbots Will Change The Face of Customer Service

3. Having a slow, inconsistent and outdated customer service offering

Many online retailers are so concerned with providing a consistent sales experience across their multiple sales channels that they neglect to duplicate that consistency across their customer service.

Consumers’ need to speed doesn’t stop at delivery. Two-thirds expect a same-day response to queries and 43% expect a response within just one hour. The days of back-and-forth email chains are gone and to stay competitive you should:

  • Put the customer in control of their communication journey by offering multiple real-time communication choices such as email, phone, SMS, live chat and social media.
  • Provide a consistent and seamless service regardless of communication type by using a contact centre solution.
  • Enable staff to access a history of contact, allowing queries to be dealt with efficiently.

And don’t assume that phone is dead –  61% of mobile searchers follow up with a phone call, making a ‘click to call’ VoIP button on your website essential.

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4. Not collaborating internally

Providing an around-the-clock e-commerce service can make internal collaboration difficult, but it’s important to note that a seamless customer journey begins internally with your staff.

Internal collaboration

Collaboration tools allow teams to connect via team messaging and video as well as providing a platform to share files, assign tasks, and coordinate schedules.

Multi-channel management software centralises your listings, orders, inventory, shipping, invoicing and reporting, allowing teams to easily pick up tasks anywhere, at any time.

Stop making these mistakes

Bad customer service is causing UK businesses £37 billion per year, but it doesn’t have to affect you. Follow the tips in this blog to create a seamless staff and customer journey that will see everyone coming back for more.

Originally published Oct 18, 2018, updated Jan 16, 2023

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