What Sales Managers Need To Know About Email Marketing In 2021

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What is Email Marketing?

Email marketing is one of the leading ways of marketing your business. It remains one of the most potent factors that you need to consider when promoting and marketing the company as much as possible. 

Email marketing has been the lynchpin of online marketing that businesses are using to improve their customer support. 

You have to think about some of the best ways of improving and achieving success, which you need to get right. 

Sales managers have a lot to consider when trying to make the best sales pitch for their businesses and have the best practices that will help attract people to the company. 

Now, there are many things that sales managers need to know when it comes to achieving this, and you need to make the most of this. 

Key things that sales managers need to know about email marketing in 2021.

1. Email Marketing is Still Very Effective

business email marketing content concept

You might not realise how great email marketing can be from a business perspective and be a part of a larger relationship marketing goal. Still, there are so many great ways in which email can help you market a company and its products and services. 

There are so many things to consider when you are looking to improve your business, and the way you choose to email people can make a huge difference.

Statistically, email marketing is 40x more effective than Facebook and Twitter combined! 

That is a truly staggering statistic and one that demonstrates the raw power of email and how it still has such a remarkable impact on the way people perceive your business.

With close to 4.5 billion email users expected globally by 2024, you must never overlook the power and reach of email marketing and the impact it can have on your company and how people perceive it. 

2. Tailoring Emails to Specific Clients is Important

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You must make sure you use the right kind of email marketing, and this means that you need to make sure you do as much as you can to get this right and tailor your email marketing to specific clients. 

Indeed, personalised emails can help to generate 6x higher transaction rates, so this is something you need to implement.  

So, you can use group emails or individual emails, and this is something that you should be looking to get right. 

Tweaking and tailoring emails to the more generic group emails or personal email marketing factors.

It would help if you focused on many things when using email to help you sell things. And this means you are going to have to think about specific clients when it comes to improving your email marketing this year. 

There are so many things that play a part in this, and there are many email ideas that can help you achieve this. 

Make sure you focus on what you can do to improve upon this, and it’s essential to make the most of this right now. 

For example, email personalisation is critical, which you need to make sure you get right as much as possible. And don’t forget about a customised email signature to make the email as personal as possible.

3. The A/B Test is As Vital As Ever

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You will need to do as much as possible to come up with the most effective email campaign, and there are many great ways of being able to make the most of this. 

It would help if you focused on what it takes to boost and improve the best emails you can, and the A/B test is an effective way of achieving this for content optimisation. 

There are so many amazing ways of helping you improve your marketing campaign, and using the A/B test is an excellent way of achieving this. 

A/B tests are where you send out two versions of the same email campaign and try to make sure you assess which your audience responds best to. 

You can change individual variables to figure out what works best, which will help you with this. This is a great way of helping to lower your bounce rate, which should be at around .4% for a hard bounce rate

The A/B test is a great way of improving the impact of your emails and the way they work when it comes to marketing your business. 

4. Evolve and Change

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The world is changing, business is changing, and customer expectations are changing and evolving as much as possible. 

Now, there are so many things that play a part in taking your business forward and assessing how your emails can help. So there are many ideas that you will have to make the most of, which is very important. 

Try to make sure you do as much as possible to evolve and change as a sales manager, and you also need to evolve and change your email marketing campaigns, 

Whether it’s keeping up with the latest graphic design trends to keep your campaigns looking fresh and engaging to reading up on how your successful peers are carrying on. 

You need to understand that what worked a few years ago will not work right now in 2021. 

It would be best if you kept in mind so many ideas, and revamping your email marketing campaign as much as possible is a great way of staying relevant and up to date as a business. 

You have to figure out a lot of things when it comes to improving your email marketing, and this is something you need to work on as much as possible. From direct email marketing to  

5. Don’t Ignore Mobile


Many things play a role in helping you improve your business email marketing campaigns, and mobile is a great way of achieving this. 

Therefore, you have to do as much as possible to ensure that you focus on mobile email marketing and the benefits that this can provide you with. 

Statistically, 46% of emails are opened on mobile phones, and this means it is important to make sure you think about the best ways of making your campaigns mobile-friendly.

So this means you need to consider some of the best ideas that can help you make your email marketing focused on being as mobile-friendly as possible. 

So it’s great to make sure the emails are short and conversational to be easy to process and capture the readers’ attention. 

So this is something you need to make sure you keep in mind, and many things play a part in helping you achieve this.

Mobile is a crucial factor for any modern business, so you have to make sure your email marketing is tailored to this. 

Post-COVID Email Marketing

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The coronavirus pandemic is something that has massively impacted businesses across the world. And you need to make sure you do as much as possible to improve the way you can adapt as a business, and you should keep this in mind moving forward. 

You need to account for many factors when you are trying to revamp your email marketing campaign, and recovering post-COVID is an integral part of this. 

AI is being used to help you improve your email marketing campaigns, and improving the emails under the hood via AI is one of the best factors that might play a part in this. 

Try to come up with ideas that are going to allow you to make the most of this. Make sure you do the best you can to bring customer service to email marketing. Building and developing a marketing strategy to help you recover post-COVID is essential. 

1. Segmentation is Really Important

Something else that you need to keep in mind is that segmentation is one of the critical things you need to make the most of as much as possible. 

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When you segment your database, what happens is that you can gear your emails toward a specific audience. 

Segmentation and email list management can be done effectively through CRM software, and this is something you need to make sure you make the most of right now. 

And statistics suggest you can grow up to 15-20 segments once you have more nuanced data about your customer’s habits, etc. 

It is proven that email marketing KPIs perform much better when you are using email segmentation, and this is something you need to make the most of right now. 

Email segmentation is a massively important part of the process when you are looking to factor in the best ways of organising and achieving your email marketing campaigns, which you should keep in mind as much as possible. 

2. Don’t Forget That People Can Access Email from Anywhere 

You need to think about how prevalent email is, and you need to make sure you come up with ideas that can help you make the most of this. 

You’ve got to understand that there are many mobile users in the world these days, and more than 347 billion daily emails are expected to be sent by 2023.

Since the global pandemic hit, people have spent more and more time on their smartphones, which means there are far more options and opportunities for you to improve your email marketing and send more emails to more customers. 

Of course, it is vital to make sure you don’t inundate and bombard people, but it is also the case that you need to take advantage of these opportunities moving forward. 

Try to think about the best ways of getting this right, and many things play a part in helping you achieve this as much as possible. 

3. Promote and Incentivise

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Email marketing can be such a great way of helping you improve the people you attract to your business. There are a lot of things that play a role in helping you improve your marketing. 

Email is one of the best ways to do this, and by using the right kind of email marketing, you can promote and incentivise the brand and promote the products and services you are offering. 

Email can be a great way of letting people know about any upcoming promotional offers and opportunities they can benefit from.

You can stylise and tweak your business emails to make them as promotional as you like and to include special offers, discounts, and other incentives that will get people interested in your business, as well as helping you to make the most of this. 

You need to keep in mind many elements with this, but it is a hugely effective way of making a big difference to the way your company presents itself.

4. It’s Still the Best Form of Customer Engagement

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In Europe and North America, email marketing is still the most complete and effective form of customer engagement and lead nurturing, and it’s not going anywhere anytime soon. 

In fact, it is the most common form of technology used for customer engagement, with 77.6%. Now, there are many other factors and examples of technology that you can use to help you with this. 

There are so many factors that play a role in this, and you are going to need to embrace this as much as possible to help you generate more leads and convert more of those leads into sales. 

We tend to get caught up in how much new technology, apps, and social media platforms are emerging, and we always believe that newer is better. 

However, this is not always necessarily the case, and the power of email marketing shows how crucial it is to keep up with this. 

More than ever, it is essential to make sure you come up with ideas that will help you strengthen your email marketing campaigns as much as possible. 

5. Email Still Has Incredible ROI

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It would help if you kept in mind so many factories when you are trying to make the right decisions here, which you have to consider right now. 

Try to make sure you utilise email marketing smartly, and it can be used for multiple purposes and converts well. Did you know that close to 20% of emails are opened within the first hour of delivery?

So if you can get your subject line as engaging as possible, it is certainly a great start, and you should ensure that you make the most of this. 

You need to make sure you use some of the best ways of improving your email marketing campaign because it can significantly impact your customers’ way of perceiving your business. 

This is one of the key factors involved in the process, and marketing & advertising emails can influence the buying decisions of more than 59% of consumers

6. People Want More Value

This is always the case for customers, and their values are changing year on year. But, it is true that in 2021, people have shifted perspectives and changed their opinions of what is important to them in businesses. 

It is important to make sure you think about the best ways of achieving more value, and people want to have interesting, informative emails and offer them some value

That’s why bringing customer experience into email marketing is one of the best things you can do right now. So make sure you think about some of the best ways of achieving and increasing value as much as possible. 

Since coronavirus, customers have changed their opinion of businesses and what they feel matters to them as customers. 

Many things play a part in helping you improve the value you can offer to consumers. You can integrate this into your email campaigns by making sure you provide short, engaging emails and leave people wanting to know more, building up solid relationships and customer loyalty along the way. 

This is something that you need to make sure you make the most of right now, and there are loads of great benefits to this moving forward. 

7. There’s No Perfect Time to Send an Email

The thing you need to keep in mind is the fact that there is no perfect time actually to send an email. 

And you mustn’t limit yourself in terms of the times in which you send emails, and many factors play a part in helping you with this. Make sure you focus on doing as much as you can to compose and send the right emails to your customers, which will help you. 

It would help if you kept in mind so many things when it comes to sending drip email campaigns, and you are going to need to do as much as possible, which you have to keep in mind. 

Every business and consumer is different, and many of them will be opening and checking their emails at different times. 

The lesson here is that you need to be sending at staggered times, but you shouldn’t shy away from sending a marketing email purely because of the time of day it is. 

There is a lot to think about concerning email marketing, and sales managers need to consider the best ways of using and implementing email marketing in 2021. 

This is a massive part of the marketing strategies for modern businesses, and getting this right is important for continued success this year. 

Originally published Jun 25, 2021, updated Jan 17, 2023

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