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Drive service adoption through targeted end-user training


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Increase adoption of cloud services by using a Learning Management System to empower the user community

Community—when it comes to describing the user population for cloud services, we tend to group all users together to refer to them as “user community.” But the fact is—just like a community comprises a group of disparate personalities, a cloud service user community comprises a group of end-users with different personas. For example, a community of cloud-communications users could include:

A poll conducted by the Technology Services Industry Association revealed that:

Does your vendor’s training program measure up?

In practice, most vendors include training as part of the service implementation. However, all training programs are not created equally—there are some important questions customers should ask their vendors:

The answers to the above questions could actually determine to what extent the service is adopted in your organization and the time it will take to realize the return on investment (ROI) in the service.

What is a Learning Management System?

A study conducted by Aragon Research highlighted the need and importance of administering role-based knowledge and tied it to the performance of the employees. In our belief, when users get empowered through the training, which they can take on their own terms, it lays the groundwork for a performance upgrade.

A cloud-based Learning Management System (LMS) allows organizations to administer, regulate, track, and deliver learning tailored specifically to their user community. Further, LMS also allows the user community to consume training on their own terms—anywhere, anytime, and any device. This is a very strong value prop, and organizations can leverage this to realize numerous direct and many intangible benefits:

How do RingCentral’s Professional Services approach training?

At RingCentral, we have interacted with hundreds of customers and have learned that they would rather focus on their core competency than design programs for training that align to their needs.  Accordingly, we took the initiative and designed a program where customers can “rent” LMS—yes, Learning-as-a-Service!

Customers can rent LMS licenses on a per-month, per-user basis from RingCentral University based on their needs and do not need to invest in a full-fledged LMS. RingCentral University’s training program also offers other unique benefits not generally seen in the industry:

Don’t let your journey to the cloud stagnate after Unified Communications as a Service (UCaaS) delivery—leverage training as a tool to drive adoption, which will lead to growth in usage and accelerate the ROI.

Learn more about how RingCentral can help your business by contacting us or calling 1-877-807-5364.

Originally published Nov 20, 2020, updated Dec 30, 2022

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