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Evernote for Vodafone Business UC
by RingCentral

Easily share documents stored in Evernote in your team messaging app

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Evernote for Vodafone Business UC app integration

Evernote is a popular application that helps users capture and prioritize ideas, projects and to-do lists, so no thought, to do list, or task gets missed. Attach your Evernote files directly within the Vodafone Business UC app by hitting the file icon to seamlessly share files with your team. You can enable this integration from the compose or paper clip menus.

Why Evernote for RingCentral app?

Real time collaboration

Evernote for RingCentral app reduces the need for users to switch between applications - download an Evernote file from within the Vodafone Business UC app.

Prevent version control mishaps

Keep Evernote files centrally located within your workspace rather than sending multiple versions of files to different email addresses at separate times.

Reduce email overload

Quit emailing colleagues your Evernote files and risk getting lost in a cluttered inbox. Simply attach your Evernote notes within your Vodafone Business UC app team message conversations for better accessibility.

Original release date: 2017-02-23


  • Must have a Vodafone Business UC account
  • Enable this integration via the conversation settings menu.