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Smartly.AI Virtual Agent for Engage Digital
by Smartly.AI

The enterprise bot platform that allows enterprises to create efficient chatbots that can reply to customer requests quickly and accurately.

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Smartly.AI Virtual Agent for Engage Digital

Smartly.AI is an Enterprise Bot Platform.

By enterprise we mean that as a customer with every bot you build on the platform you will be getting very strong security as well as scalability.

The key differentiator is that this solution has been built to be inclusive so that all the non technical people that make a bot project successful such as: the bot designer, copy writer, product owner, cognitive master and of course the developers can all easily use it. In our product, cooperative and inclusive work is made possible thanks to a very intuitive interface that is based on drag and drop dialog flows, excel file import, test automation and more.

All the key phases of a bot project are covered : Dialog flow build, IS connection (with our serverless Node.js support) NLU model training, analytics, supervised learning, test automation and more.

Want a demo? Contact us >

Original release date: 2020-03-09


All you need to build your bot on  the Smartly.AI Bot Platform is an internet connection and a computer.


The solution is fully SaaS, so there is nothing needed  to install.
