Cron Bot for AT&T Office@Hand
Stay on top of key tasks: schedule reminders for yourself or the teams you belong to.
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Team Messaging Cron Chatbot for AT&T Office@Hand
Team Messaging Crontab Chatbot allows you to create cron jobs to send notifications to your RingCentral app team messages.
For example, you can create a cron job for your team which runs at 9:00 am from Monday to Friday to notify everyone that it's time for daily standup meeting:
Usage instructions
To converse with the bot to create a reminder, assuming the bot's name is "cronbot," use the command below to a reminder at 9:00am, Monday thru Friday:
@cronbot new 0 9 * * 1-5 Good morning everyone, it's time for daily standup meeting.
The syntax used is that of "cron" -- where the bot gets its name. Cron is a UNIX shell command for executing recurring tasks.
The syntax is as follows:
@<botname> <command> <minutes> <hours> <days> <months> <day of week> <message>
- new
Setting schedules
Tools exist to help you formulate the right syntax, but it works like this:
- minutes: the numerical minutes of the hour, 30=30 minutes from the top of the hour
- hours: the hours of the day in 24-hour notation. 0=12:00am, 1=1:00am, etc.
- days: the numerical day of the month, 0-31
- months: the numerical calendar month, 1-12
- day of week: 0=Sunday, 1=Monday, 2=Tuesday, 3=Wednesday, 4=Thursday, 5=Friday, 6=Saturday
No requirements. You can use it as long as you are a RingCentral user.
Just click the "Install" button above and give the bot a name.