Cron Bot for RingCentral
Stay on top of key tasks: schedule reminders for yourself or the teams you belong to.
These service providers are built on top of the RingCentral Platform. Apps that work for RingCentral also work for these service providers.

Cron Chatbot for the RingCentral App
Team Messaging Crontab Chatbot allows you to create cron jobs to send notifications to your RingCentral app team messages.
For example, you can create a cron job for your team which runs at 9:00 am from Monday to Friday to notify everyone that it's time for daily standup meeting:
Usage instructions
To converse with the bot to create a reminder, assuming the bot's name is "cronbot," use the command below to a reminder at 9:00am, Monday thru Friday:
@cronbot new 0 9 * * 1-5 Good morning everyone, it's time for daily standup meeting.
The syntax used is that of "cron" -- where the bot gets its name. Cron is a UNIX shell command for executing recurring tasks.
The syntax is as follows:
@<botname> <command> <minutes> <hours> <days> <months> <day of week> <message>
- new
Setting schedules
Tools exist to help you formulate the right syntax, but it works like this:
- minutes: the numerical minutes of the hour, 30=30 minutes from the top of the hour
- hours: the hours of the day in 24-hour notation. 0=12:00am, 1=1:00am, etc.
- days: the numerical day of the month, 0-31
- months: the numerical calendar month, 1-12
- day of week: 0=Sunday, 1=Monday, 2=Tuesday, 3=Wednesday, 4=Thursday, 5=Friday, 6=Saturday
No requirements. You can use it as long as you are a RingCentral user.
Just click the "Install" button above and give the bot a name.