
Get a Local Number: Area Code 213

Purchase California 213 area code phone numbers for your business

Covering the central business district and downtown area of Los Angeles, California, the 213 area code is one of local phone number prefixes supported by RingCentral. A demographic study from 2013 estimates this major area in Southern California is home to around 50,000 people and some 500,000 jobs.

Area code 213 was one of the three original area codes established in California. However, a new area code was assigned to serve the rest of central Los Angeles starting in 1998, thereby limiting the geographical area covered by 213 to just the downtown area and its immediate neighborhoods. With this new setup, the 213 area code became one of the smallest area codes, geographically, in the U.S.

Although the area faced a decline in recent decades, downtown LA’s economic engine is currently experiencing resurgence with the opening of new restaurants, nightspots, sports and entertainment venues, and office buildings prepped for adaptive reuse.

Given these facts, having a business phone number with the 213 prefix can add value to any group or individual whose base of operations are within the business district or downtown Los Angeles area. To choose your own 213 area code phone number, simply start with the search tool above.

Neighboring area code 323 completely surrounds the region covered by area code 213.

Not looking for a local number? You can also opt for toll-free numbers for your business.

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